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How Does the New Energy Battery Dissipate Heat?

Publish Time: 2022-02-22     Origin: Site

The new energy battery is a great invention that can help solve the world's energy crisis. It has many advantages over traditional batteries, such as longer life and the ability to dissipate heat. The new energy battery comprises thousands of small cells that store energy. When one cell gets too hot, it transfers its heat to other cells in the battery.

This allows the battery to dissipate heat without damaging its cells or reducing its storage capacity. Below we will discuss how the new energy battery dissipates heat and why this is important.

How does the new energy battery dissipate heat?

Power battery is an essential core component of new energy vehicles. New energy vehicles cannot function safely without power batteries. If it cannot dissipate heat, there will be many problems with new energy vehicles.

For example, batteries can overheat and cause damage to other parts such as motors or controllers. This can lead to a car accident that could endanger human lives. So we need to understand how the new energy battery dissipates heat and make sure that it is working correctly.

The new energy battery dissipates heat through a process called thermal cycling. This involves transferring heat from one cell to another until it is dispersed throughout the battery.

Thermal cycling helps keep the cells in the battery excellent, which prevents them from overheating and damaging the battery. The battery's lifespan is prolonged because less stress is placed on each cell.

How does the power battery dissipate heat?

There are several ways that the power battery can dissipate heat. The dissipation of heat is mainly through the following methods:

Natural Heat Dissipation:

The battery uses the surrounding air to help dissipate heat. In this case, the heat is transferred to the air around the battery cells. The air then transfers the heat to other parts of the battery, such as the case or cooling fins. This allows the battery to cool down without using any extra energy.

Natural Heat dissipation is the most common method of dissipating heat in batteries. It is also one of the least efficient methods, as it relies on outside factors such as wind speed and temperature to work effectively.

Air cooling:

Air cooling is another way to dissipate heat from the battery. This method uses fans or blowers to blow air over the battery cells. The air then transfers the heat to other parts of the battery, such as the case or cooling fins.

This allows the battery to cool down without extra energy. Air cooling is more efficient than natural heat dissipation, but it requires extra equipment and can be expensive to implement.

Air cooling is the most efficient way to dissipate heat from a battery. It is also the most expensive way to do so, but it can be very effective in keeping batteries cool.

The benefits of air cooling are that it prevents battery cells from overheating and damaging them and prolongs their lives. The disadvantages of this method include an extra cost for equipment and electricity needed to power fans or blowers

Liquid Cooling:

Liquid cooling is another way to dissipate heat from the battery. This method uses liquid (usually water) to transfer heat away from the cells and into other battery parts, such as its case or cooling fins. The liquid then moves through channels inside these parts until it evaporates into the air outside them.

Liquid cooling aids in heat dissipation, but it requires extra equipment and is expensive to implement. Similarly, the liquid outside the battery needs time to evaporate. This means that there is a delay between when you stop using your device (such as turning off the light) and when its temperature drops back down again

Refrigeration and Heat Dissipation

Battery heat can also be dissipated through refrigeration. This method uses cold air or liquid (usually water) to transfer coldness away from the cells and into other battery parts, such as its case or cooling fins. The cold air then moves through channels inside these parts until it evaporates into warm air outside of them.

The heat dissipation through refrigeration involves cold air or cold liquid (like water) to transfer coldness away from the cells and into other battery parts, such as its case or cooling fins. The cold air then moves through channels inside these parts until it evaporates into warm air outside of them.

Which Way Works Best?

There are many different ways to dissipate heat from the power battery. Each method has its pros and cons, so it's essential to consider how much time and money you want to invest in keeping your device cool before deciding which one is best for you.

From the above-discussed methods, we can recommend the liquid cooling method. The liquid cooling method is worth trying because it's the best way to dissipate heat from a power battery pack and has significant advantages in terms of cost and installation time compared with any other method. However, it comes with disadvantages such as leaking risk, more complicated design etc.

The amount of money that you spend on cooling your power battery pack is also significant to be considered. Liquid cooling could be the best option if you have a large budget and want to ensure maximum device performance.

However, suppose money isn't as big of an issue in your decision-making process (i.e., because it will be easy enough for you to recoup the cost of cooling in saved energy bills). In that case, you might want to consider one of the other methods.

Cold plate manufacturer - Winshare Thermal

If you are looking for a cold plate manufacturer, then Winshare Thermal is one of the best options. It has a wealth of experience in the field and is committed to providing high-quality products at an affordable price.

The company offers both liquid-to-liquid cooling and air-to-air solutions so that you can choose what's suitable for your needs. In addition, Winshare Thermal also provides heat sinks necessary for many cooling methods. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable cold plate manufacturer, then Winshare Thermal is worth considering.

A cold plate is a metal device used to cool down liquids. They are often found in refrigerators but can also be used for other purposes such as cooling computer chips or air conditioning units. There are any different materials of cold plates includes aluminium, copper and even stainless steel.The purpose behind using these materials varies depending on the application being cooled.

For example, aluminium is often chosen because it's lightweight and easy to be manufactured into various shapes, such as tubes or blocks that fit inside of computers. Copper is another common material used for these cooling devices. Its good thermal conductivity properties allow heat from one area to be transferred easily into another (usually to a water-cooling system).

Finally, stainless steel is used in some applications where hygiene is critical such as in the food and beverage industry. This material doesn't corrode or rust like other metals can, making it ideal for use with acidic or salty liquids.

When looking to purchase a cold plate, The following factors should be taken into consideration:

The type of material(s) being used

The size and shape of the plate

How it will be mounted (or integrated) into the system

The operating temperature range

Any special feature or requirement you may have.

Since many years ago, Winshare Thermal has been manufacturing cold plates. The cold plates we offer are made from a variety of materials and in different shapes and sizes. Our plates can be integrated into your system in various ways, and we have a wide operating temperature range to meet your needs.

Our products pass under the Quality Assurance test include:

Thermal performance test:

A thermal performance test is to verify the cooling capability of a cold plate or its ability to transfer heat away from a device. The test setup includes a heater connected on one side of the cold plate and thermocouples at various places on the other side. Heat is applied to the system until steady-state condition is reached, and then the temperature difference across the cold plate is measured.

Leakage test:

To ensure no water leakage after assembly, we perform a quick pressure leak test on each cold plate. A line is attached to one end of the cold plate to be pressurized with compressed air or nitrogen gas at approximately 20 psi. A unique tool is used to verify that no air or gas escapes from the cold plate and fittings.

Pressure test:

A pressure test checks for any defects in the tubing, welds, or other water cooling system components that could lead to leaks under normal operating conditions. The typical pressure tested on a closed-loop water cooling system is about 15 psi.

Vibration and Shock testing:

Our cold plates can withstand the vibration and shock commonly in many industrial and commercial applications. The tests are performed by vibrating or shocking the cold plate in all three axes and measuring the resulting movement.

Life Cycle Testing:

The life cycle testing is used to determine the endurance of the cold plate. It includes a vibration test and pressure cycling test, repeated for a predetermined number of cycles. This simulates the long-term wear and tear that a cold plate may experience in its lifetime.


Winshare Thermal has been working on Cold plates for many years. We have a professional thermal engineer team to design cold plates, and our product line passes many quality assurance tests. So our customers can feel free to use Winshare cold plate in any application. Additionally, we have many unique features available that may interest you. If you are looking for a quality cold plate manufacturer, be sure to give Winshare Thermal a try. You won't be disappointed.

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